Author: Brian Dys

  • One Album Wonders

    I’m not sure if it’s only a phenomenon in my brain that the first album of a new artist that I listen to, I immediately like almost all songs in it. Then when I encounter or seek the other albums, it didn’t have the same effect. It feels like a certain standard or image have…

  • Questions from a Graphic Designer

    I’ve received a message in ADPList from a graphic designer who’s interested in UX design, asking curious questions about the field. It’s a good start for anyone exploring to ask many questions! Hi I’m a graphic designer who is exploring UX/UI design field. Here are my questions: Do UX/UI designers have to learn HTML/CSS to…

  • Reading List: Week 3, December 2021

    Hewson also proposed that power is a critical component of self-agency. Power, in this case, means that a person has the resources, capabilities, and knowledge to act on their goals.Lindsay Morgia

  • Reading List: Week 1, December 2021

    And one of the things that is my little reminder to myself is that when I feel like I need more grit, what I actually need is more help. And when I look at Amelia’s life, and I think, “She needs more discipline, she needs more perseverance, she needs to work harder,” what she actually…

  • Reading List: Week 4, November 2021

    The research might also help us to avoid accidental faux pas when we act altruistically ourselves. At the very least, the research shows that you should avoid noisily broadcasting your good deeds. “And if people bring them up, you should downplay them,” says Raihani. Even if you think that you are simply sharing a bit…

  • Essemy (Jaycelle’s Birthday Song)

    Brian and Bryce’s Composition Essemy on YouTube Essemy on Spotify Podcast

  • Applying to On Deck Design Fellowship

    What experience has most impacted your career or identity as a designer? Many years ago, a fresh grad joined my team and asked a lot of basic questions about design such as information architecture, research, etc. And I didn’t know how to help that person because I was too focused on visual design at that…

  • Reading List: Week 3, October 2021

    Ultimately, legitimacy derives from trust: trust that the governing order is just, trust that agents establishing and enforcing that order are doing so in the interest of the greater good.Li Jin and Katie Parrott on Legitimacy Lost

  • Reading List: Week 2, October 2021

    “Not until you start asking a question, do you get something.” We live in a “participatory universe,” Wheeler suggested, which emerges from the interplay of consciousness and physical reality, the subjective and objective realms.John Horgan

  • Reading List: Week 1, October 2021

    We jot notes, but we don’t publish much of what we write. The fire offers a tangible reminder of what we’re doing: creating white pages with black ink that will either outlive us or burn up into smoke. Ali Montag