Category: RE:Creation
RE:Creation No. 1: Google | CSS (Round 3)
Summary Style for Visual Design: Visual Content Style for Visual Design: Typography
RE:Creation No. 1: Google | CSS (Round 2)
Summary Style for Usability: Interactivity Style for Visual Design: Colors & Graphic Elements of Groups Style for Visual Design: Layout
RE:Creation No. 1: Google | CSS (Round 1)
Summary Style for Usability of Interactive Elements: Active Area Style for Visual Design: Colors & Graphic Elements of Individuals This is the first round of Cascading Style Sheets—CSS for short. CSS is a Style Language that defines the visual design of an HTML document. This single responsibility of CSS makes the structured content of the…
RE:Creation No. 1: Google | HTML (Round 3)
Summary Put the mark up in the basic HTML document markup
RE:Creation No. 1: Google | HTML (Round 2)
Summary Convert the marked up groups into <div class=”group-name”> Instead of <div>, mark up the group of form elements in <form> Mark up the text nodes in <div class=”text”> Add class attributes to elements that need to be differentiated
RE:Creation No. 1: Google | HTML (Round 1)
Summary Mark up the structure in HTML Mark up the groups in HTML Mark up the individuals in HTML
RE:Creation No. 1: Google | Plain Text (Round 2)
Summary Interact to reveal more content and convert into plain text Structure content by grouping and labeling them based on function
RE:Creation No. 1: Google | Plain Text (Round 1)
Convert Content into Plain Text The first step of re-creation is to convert content into plain text. The structure isn’t important at this round. However, as a suggestion, we could start from left to right, top to bottom. For example, the first content could be seen at the top–right: Gmail Images Menu Icon Sign In…