Category: The Ride
Conversations with Yourself
How often it is that you find the need to send a message to yourself? Maybe there’s a nice link that you want to check out later (but didn’t want to bookmark). Maybe there’s a checklist item that you don’t want to forget at the moment (but didn’t want to open a checklist app). What’s…
Time Travel at Las Casas Filipinas de Acuzar
I went out the veranda to look at the looming sky. It’s early enough to enjoy the silence and coolness of five in the morning.
Papa’s Retirement
My parents went to Teekay office to officially file for Papa’s resignation. He served there for 25 years already. He resigned to get the remaining cash to invest into the car wash business. I am very proud of my father for sacrificing his time and strength to put us in good schools. And undoubtedly, my…
Structural Classes
Structural Classes are classes that denote hierarchy in HTML tags particularly in div tags. Example: Structure of a Component [html] <div class="comp"> <div class="cr"> <h class="accessible-name"></h> <div class="ct"> Content </div> </div> </div> [/html] Please note that h denotes a heading tag that varies from 1 to 6 depending on the HTML 4 outline. The Structural…
Introducing UI View and UI Container
There’s a need for web pages to be defined in which view it is in and in which type of container the whole view is in. In this regard I am using ui-view–<view name> and ui-cr–<container name> (cr short for container). UI View UI View is the representation of the totality of the page or…
Philippines Is on a Roll
The world is expected to grow 3.2 percent in 2015 and 3.7 percent next year after expanding 3.3 percent in each of the past two years, according to a Bloomberg survey of economists. China, the Philippines, Kenya, India and Indonesia, which together make up about 16 percent of global gross domestic product, are all forecast…