Category: The Ride
Excluding a Content from Getting Styled
The layout of HTML Patterns contains the following: web view of the HTML markup and CSS source view of the HTML source view of the CSS Both the textarea of HTML and CSS are editable to immediately update and reflect the changes on the web view. The Problem One thing that gets in the way…
Branding for Photographers by Heidi Aquende – Some Notes
I’ve had the privilege to attend a talk at Camera Cart about branding for photographers. Heidi Aquende invited me to their studio’s 6th anniversary. She did not say who were speaking – only the topics. I chose the first one in the morning and it she who’s speaking. Please read with discrection since these are…
HTML Principles #1
Semantic HTML Semantic class names HTML Document Outline Microformats Schema Validation Accessible name and Friendly name
Front-end Design Principles
Here are some guiding principles we’ve adapted along the way in the web design and development industry: It’s easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission. DRY – Don’t Repeat Yourself KISS – Keep it simple, stupid HMW – How Might We? Be open to changes/improvements Invent, innovate Always set a purpose and…
Accessible Name and Friendly Name
If a component is significant enough, it must contain a component name in the form of a heading element (e.g., h1). But sometimes there’s a big tone discrepancy between the name of the component and what you want to say in the heading. Consider this example: [html] <div class="registration-component"> <h1>Welcome! Please register.</h1> <form>…</form> </div> [/html]…
UI Type and State Class Naming Convention
There are numerous types of user interfaces that we use in our designs – there are pages, screens, popovers, dialog boxes, alert boxes, sliders, tooltips, overlays, and the list goes on. It is important for front-end designers to establish a system for naming such containers and reusing them all over our web projects via the…
First Post
Hey there, welcome to Design DriveThru Blog. This serves as our idea scratch paper – like the tissue you get a hold of in a restaurant during a light bulb moment. The main purpose of this is to document work in progress about Front-end Design stuff. The secondary purpose is to share the thoughts with…
They call her that. Stiffany. Like a cross between Stephanie and Tiffany. Her teeth protrude out of her lips and almost she could have been born to peck her food. But she is human. A being with some hopes and some dreams. Unlike other species – human or in- – they only exist, they thrive,…
Reeking, Leaking
I see boisterousness while tomorrow remains uncertain. It is our prerogative to calm down, to be happy, to live in the moment. But the same thing could be said about the opposite. What weighs in more is if we choose to be. We all want independence. But what we really need is freedom. “Leaked” is…
Phone and Mouse
The Phone The year was 1998. The place, Taft Ave., Manila. Clad in plaid shirt and my khaki slacks were accentuated by a brick in the left side pocket. It was a Nokia pre-5110 model (similar to the one pictured below). I took it out of my pocket, extruded the antenna to gather some signal…