Category: The Ride

  • The Snail Mail Is Extinct

    Every heard of this ancient creature snail mail? I used to send one to my pen pal in Cebu and was exhilarated finding a reply waiting for me. But that was ages ago. Living in an apartment complex has got its quirk – receiving tons of mails for people who already moved out of the…

  • Webmaster, Webslave

    Today, I signed up to be a consultant to manage a government website for several months. At first, the plan was to redesign it piece by piece and integrate a CMS (like WordPress) but news recently came that soon, all government websites will follow a set of guidelines and will be built on Joomla! Igor…

  • A Beep and a Beeeep

    Yesterday, I was tailgating. A person. Waiting for him to stay away from the road and onto the sidewalk. Jaycelle asked me why I didn’t bother to honk the guy to alert him. I told her that car horns aren’t meant for people but for other vehicles (and there’s an etiquette for honking, too). “But…

  • A Dose of Negativity

    If you have a padded content, everything in it will be bound by the padding around it. But how do we expand an element to the edges of the container, disobeying the padding – something like a full-width picture. We use negative left and right margins to offset the spacing brought about by the padding.…

  • Iterations, Iterations, Iter

    Update – 10/9/2014 This post has been moved to Design DriveThru. It’s like trying to solve a puzzle – you try out different solutions until you either come to a dead end or to face more questions. That’s how it is trying to establish a foundation, a system in simplifying the process of designing an…

  • Lay It on the Table

    I’m looking for a bubblegum patch for tables displayed in narrow viewports. So, I thought about display: block, max-width: 100%, and overflow-x: auto. Take a look at the examples: Example 1 shows the problem of the overflowing content of the table and Example 2 shows the quick solution. [codepen_embed height=”621″ theme_id=”1820″ slug_hash=”Kobqa” default_tab=”result”]See the Pen…

  • I Agree to the Terms of Agreement

    A while ago, I was connecting my HTC phone to Mac and it needed a piece of app to do so. Of course, there’s a requirement to agree to something I seldom read. My behavior is to press on the label “I agree to the terms of the license agreement” instead of on the checkbox…

  • Happy(?) Independence(?) Day for the 116th Time

    First of all, let me tell you that I am grateful for our forefathers who relentlessly struggled to gain our independence a long time ago. Independence literally from foreign oppressors. But personally, this day feels like celebrating my 13th birthday. Cakes and gifts and party hats didn’t bear much delight anymore. Suddenly it became irrelevant.…

  • Getting It, Not Having It

    You know something, Hecate. I wish I could go back to Cliffordville and begin again – I’m starting all over. You see, getting it – that was the kick – getting it, not having it. ~ William Feathersmith From The Twilight Zone: Season 4, Episode 14 – Of Late I Think of Cliffordville (11 Apr.…