Category: The Ride

  • Migration to Flickr

    All of my internal and external hard drives are being consumed by media files like fungus to a rotting tree trunk. I confess that I’ve been hoarding files from my camera that never see the light of day (or get shared to people involved).

  • That Only Storage that You Will Ever Need

    …is the 5D Data Storage! It could store 360 terabytes of your photos and videos in full resolution! Now, there’s no need to hesitate in shooting RAW and 4K!

  • Blue

    We are hoarders. Hoarders of digital files. That turn into junk after a year without seeing the light of day. We dismiss in our daily lives the digital ephemera that sit in inside our digital boxes, thinking they are just there.

  • The Week in Review: Week 1, 2016

    Our new year celebration was a minimalistic one – having some of our relatives who used to celebrate at our place celebrated at their other side of the family. It was nonetheless meaningful, having our newborn asleep peacefully in the middle of the firecracker noises. Finally, we visited Shiphrah with Bryce in tow (he’s been travelling with…

  • Reformatted

    It’s 2016 and it seems like my brain was reformatted, rewired into a blank slate. Blank but unable to accept new records, new writings. It’s difficult to feel as if I’m waiting for all my plans and dreams to jump into conclusion and become true – just thinking about beginning hinders me from starting. It’s…

  • It’s Rivermaya! It’s Rico Blanco! No, it’s Japsuki!

    Pinoy Pop (2015) by japsuki Pardon my ignorace but the two former personalities (Rivermaya and Rico Blanco) are who I’m familiar with. Then I wikisurfed to Japsuki.

  • Onesies

    It was another day of going to the office. Early in the morning at six, coming out of the shower I opened our matrimonial closet and saw there hanging at the spotlight the onesies we bought for baby. Even before we knew baby’s gender, we picked brightly-colored onesies for three to six months of age.…

  • Break

    I want to tell you… Whoo-oo… That I love you… You won’t believe it. That was me singing. Guess what? I was drunk last night. Maybe I should make this a template. I found myself meeting up with my former officemates / drinking buddies, Peachy, Alex, JE, and Badong. Too bad, Mandy retired earlier. These…

  • Miss

    I miss Something New. A friend borrowed it for a Swatch photo contest. I found Cozy But Nozy. I’ll be looking for this whitey in stores; wear it on my left wrist then give it to my girlfriend if she wants it. — Originally published on Friendster, 04 March 2007