Category: The Ride
I was lying down the barren bermuda grass with a triple-bent fork in my crotch talking about the Anahaw plant. That was a patch of land about six square meters. We used to wrestle and waste each other there, my cousins and I… Would you stay or would you not? Wait… consider that you were…
Sunday Morning
It Is Sunday Morning While everyone is asleep still, enjoying their respite from the yesterday’s bustle, I am wide awake. I let the hours pass by an occasional dreamless slumber. I’ve been loved, hated, loved, hated, loved… And it always ends up the same. Never a cycle and my behavioral pattern abruptly ends at this…
Drafting Applicator Version Zero
Branching out from HopScotch, I am reformulating mostly the front-end of the theme. Here comes Applicator – which I plan to submit to WordPress Free Themes. The basic HTML skeleton are based on WordPress Twentyfifteen and HTML5 Boilerplate / Mobile. Basically the content of <head> are snippets from these awesome frameworks. Currently, I am building…
InVision’s Making a Product Designer: Chapter 5
There’s an old writing adage that advises writers, whenever possible, to “show, don’t tell” when bringing characters to life. The goal is to reveal the story through the character’s own experiences instead of the author’s. ~ Scott Hurff
GWT Training: Day 5
Since day 1, I drive all the way from Cavite to UP, Diliman. It’s a 46km-drive and given the traffic condition in Manila, it takes me almost 3 hours each way, every day. It’s like going to work and to school at the same time – I have my laptop for work and I participate…
InVision’s Making a Product Designer: Chapter 3
The biggest risk of creating a product is ‘making something no one wants.’ ~ Scott Hurff
GWT Training: Day 3
We’re actually using the Government Web Template – fitting in the content of a typical government agency. It sure has a lot of bugs – that’s why we’re here to help as contributors to the repo.
Active Element
An Active Element is a user interface element that can be interacted with. It’s something you do something on (like click, tap, type on). A very basic example is a text link like this: [codepen_embed height=”266″ theme_id=”1820″ slug_hash=”GpyBgM” default_tab=”result” user=”BrianSahagun”]See the Pen Text Link by Brian Dys Sahagun (@BrianSahagun) on CodePen.[/codepen_embed] Or a button like…