First Album Syndrome

Music plays a substantial part of my everyday life. From activity to inactivity, it’s like second to the air that I breathe.

Apparently, there’s a thing called “second album syndrome” or the sophomore slump. But this isn’t anything about the literal first-released album of a musician but the first album of that musician you’ve heard of and all the songs in the collection kicked ass.

I noticed this after numerous times I have liked an artist/musician mostly for that one album – the first album that let me discover them. It may have stemmed out from the repetitive playback of that record until it came to mind to try to discover other albums of the same artist but seldom have I liked two in a row.

One (or two) album wonders


One response to “First Album Syndrome”

  1. […] not sure if it’s only a phenomenon in my brain that the first album of a new artist that I listen to, I immediately like almost all songs in it. Then when I encounter […]

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