Introduction to RE:Creation

What is RE:Creation?

RE:Creation is a design and coding activity in which we reverse engineer and recreate the HTML & CSS components of a chosen web page.

RE:Creation is short for Reverse Engineering Creation. It involves both discovery (theoretical) and delivery (technical) processes.


RE:Creation’s objective is to promote the fundamentals in designing digital products such as websites and web apps.

These fundamentals revolve around design disciplines such as Information Architecture, Interaction Design, User Interface Design, Visual Design & Accessibility, and Frontend Design.


The requirements to participate in a RE:Creation are simple: first, basic knowledge of HTML & CSS and second, a computer with these software:

  • Text Editor (TextEdit, Notepad)
  • Web Browser (Chrome, Firefox)

Using these software for RE:Creation does not require internet connection.

Alternatively, a web app called CodePen could be used online. It functions both as Text Editor and Web Browser for editing and displaying web documents, respectively.

Dive right in!



2 responses to “Introduction to RE:Creation”

  1. […] the first episode of RE:Creation, we’ll be re-creating the most visited website in the world—Google. It looks like a fairly […]

  2. […] the first episode of RE:Creation, we’ll be re-creating the most visited website in the world—Google. It looks like a fairly […]

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