She was wearing make-up. Lip-stick. Eye-liner. Eye-shadows. Blush-on. Spray-net. Fish-net. Stock-ings.
Stuck in a middle of a frozen traffic-jam.
Bought some dose of cashew-nuts and belly-bum.
She is Lady-Bhabes. Daughter of renowned classical-exhibitionist.
Philanthropist. Her father, the dentist of all tooth-aches.
Heart-breaks. Head-turners. Hotel-mongers.
Lies in hays. Lays eggs. Begs.
Porcupine-alms-giver. Donation-sacrilege.
Search. Find.
Zero. Nothing. Nada.
Kudos. Hail. Congratulations.
Blink-charm. Heart-big. Heart-small.
Stirrup. Cochlea. Eyes-covex.
Conveyor-belt. Whack-wallet.
Count-1-2-3. 3-2-1.
Cation. Anion.
Vector-tragedy. Desert-swarm.
Happiness. Bliss. Tea-cup.
Protect. Potion. Seam. Foot-work.
End. Dark. Light.
Shade. Shadow. Curtain-close.
Pull. Up. New. Old.
Go. Time. Stop.
Originally published in on Nov 16, 2007 1:53