Reading List: Week 2, October 2021

On the other hand, life isn’t always hellish. We experience love, friendship, adventure and heartbreaking beauty. Could all this really come from random collisions of particles?

What God, Quantum Mechanics and Consciousness Have in Common
Unsplash Photo
Photo by Kristaps Ungurs

This is also where it pays to remember that your goal is not always to make the other person feel as comfortable as possible.

9 Secret Rules of Winning Arguments
Unsplash Photo
Photo by Hybrid

The value of the web is not embodied in its technology, so much as in the network of relationships that make up the ecosystem. Ecological networks take a long time to evolve, and can’t just be ported over.

Building new weblike things
Unsplash Photo
Photo by Fernand De Canne

Not all employees are interested in a ‘traditional’ growth plan (working up the ladder). Uncovering where employees want to develop, whether it’s taking on more responsibilities or moving into a different role, helps managers better create career development paths to get them there.

A New Survey Suggests a Free and Effective Way to Hold Onto Your People
Unsplash Photo
Photo by Adam Nieścioruk

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