[ntt_rl_unsplash href=”qhhp1LwvPSI” photographer=”Sascha Bosshard”]Reputation is the aggregation of ideas that have swarmed your body. Reputation is a list of your chronic afflictions.
The tyranny of ideas
[ntt_rl_unsplash href=”83JZupwXfhU” photographer=”Marcos Paulo Prado”]As Raihani points out, we are constantly trying to second-guess the reasons for others’ actions – and we punish people harshly when we suspect that their motives are impure. Those instinctive suspicions may or may not be true, of course. We often base our judgements on intuition rather than hard facts.
Why overly kind and moral people can rub you up the wrong way
[ntt_rl_unsplash href=”OTSW6hpMKQM” photographer=”David Clode”]Generative art/design is any work created with an element of chance. We define some rules and allow a source of randomness to guide us to an outcome.
Creating Generative Patterns with The CSS Paint API
[ntt_rl_unsplash href=”Yh-OYzUQdB8″ photographer=”Adalia Botha”]Once a view becomes part of your identity it’s almost impossible to see its flaws, when it needs to adapt, or has expired.
It Sounds Crazy
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