Remove “blog” from the Main Site URL in WordPress Multisite

I managed to remove the slug “blog” from the main site of my WordPress Multisite.

Now, why would I want that? Simply because my URL is: It it sure looks not ok to have:, right? So I removed it.

Here’s how:

  1. In your main site (the one with the “blog” slug), go to Settings > Permalinks (/wp-admin/options-permalink.php)
  2. Choose “Default” and Save Changes
  3. In your Network Admin Sites (/wp-admin/network/sites.php), edit the main site
  4. On the Edit Site page, go to Settings (/wp-admin/network/site-settings.php?id=1)
  5. Scroll to Permalinks section and populate the field with this value “/%postname%” (without the quotation marks) and Save Changes
  6. Go to the URL of your main site and try it out – the “blog” slug should be gone


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