Tag: 2016

  • Bad boy no more

    I’ve had this poster for the longest time on my bedroom door in my parents’ house. Planning to repaint the room, I took it down along with other magazine pages that acted as wallpapers.

  • The Week in Review: Week 1, 2016

    Our new year celebration was a minimalistic one – having some of our relatives who used to celebrate at our place celebrated at their other side of the family. It was nonetheless meaningful, having our newborn asleep peacefully in the middle of the firecracker noises. Finally, we visited Shiphrah with Bryce in tow (he’s been travelling with…

  • Reformatted

    It’s 2016 and it seems like my brain was reformatted, rewired into a blank slate. Blank but unable to accept new records, new writings. It’s difficult to feel as if I’m waiting for all my plans and dreams to jump into conclusion and become true – just thinking about beginning hinders me from starting. It’s…