Tag: CSS
HTML5 Boilerplate & WordPress: Day 2 – CSS
::selection [code lang=”css” highlight=”2,3,8,9″] ::-moz-selection { color:#fff; background: #00b6f2; text-shadow: none; } ::selection { color:#fff; background: #00b6f2; text-shadow: none; } [/code] Hex color value #00b6f2 is a nice shade of cyan Font color is white Image replacement [code lang=”css” highlight=”6″] /* * Image replacement */ .ir { display:block; background-color: transparent; border: 0; overflow: hidden; /*…
HTML5 Boilerplate & WordPress: Day 1 – HTML
I’ve mashed up the HTML code of HTML5 Boilerplate and WordPress to come up with something useful for my projects at International Red. Take a look if this will suit yours. Inside the <head> [code lang=”html” highlight=”6,10,11,14-20″] <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1"> <title></title> <meta name="description" content=""> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/normalize.css"> <link…
CSS Parts
Here are the basic parts of a CSS: [code lang=”css”] p {font-size:1em;} [/code] Which translates to: [code lang=”css”] selector {property:value;} [/code] Selectors Selectors are the ones you target in the HTML document to apply the styles to. Basically, selectors can be: HTML tags: html, body, h1, ul, li, p, etc. Classes: .main-nav, .footer, etc. IDs:…
CSS Kids, It’s Time to Grow Up
Bloat the stylesheet and not the HTML markup. Everybody agree? The big baby way of styling: HTML: [code lang=”html”] <p class="big">Tell me now, is it so<br> Don’t let me be the last to know<br> My hands are shaking<br> <span class="red">Don’t let my heart be breaking</span></p> [/code] CSS: [code lang=”css”] .big {font-size:2em;} .bigger {font-size:3em;} .red {color:red;}…