or to
I’m being confounded about an article I’ve read about your logo being an image (and not a background image). You would notice about the differences between the two wherein img puts your actual image on the page and h1 replaces the text with a background image of your logo. You may be using one method…
Trying out Fangs – a Firefox screen reader emulator extension
In a quest to streamline and improve our HTML markup, I’m looking at how the page would appear to a person using an assistive device such as a screen reader. I’ve installed Fangs – a Firefox extension that “helps developers find accessibility issues in web pages and managers to understand how their website may appear…
Things to add to HTML5 Boilerplate HTML markup
Editing HTML5 Boilerplate 4.1.0 Edit line: <meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1.5“> For mobile device browsers, set the initial scale to 100% zoom and limit the zooming to 150% New line: <link rel=”shortcut icon” href=”img/favicon.ico”> Place your icon inside the img folder New line: <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”css/ui.css”> Start with a blank stylesheet alongside normalize and main.css
How to code in HTML and CSS, really?
Update on February 22, 2013 Let’s get to the details on how to write the HTML markup, really. Write pure text of everything Enclose all texts in semantic HTML tags — don’t use <div> and <span> Add lists — <ul>, <ol> Add headings — use only <h1> Add sectioning elements like <header>, <nav>, <section> Check…
Break It Down: Breaking a line thru CSS and HTML
Let’s say you have this line on your webpage: Hey guys, you may email me at yoyo@whatsup.heh or call me at 14344. and you want to break the line right after the word “or”. Do you do this: [code lang=”html” title=”HTML”] <p>Hey guys, you may email me at <a href="mailto:yoyo@whatsup.heh">yoyo@whatsup.heh</a> or<br> call me at <a…
HTML5 Boilerplate & WordPress: Day 3 – Module Block
Module block [code lang=”html”] <div class="mod"> <div class="mod-cr"> <div class="mod-hd"><h3 class="mod-heading">Heading label</h3></div> <div class="mod-ct"></div> </div> </div><!–.mod–> [/code] This is the basic structure of every content block in your webpage. This way, it would be modular, meaning, you could move it anywhere in the page without too much dependency on other elements. Update – Nov 12,…
HTML5 Boilerplate & WordPress: Day 2 – CSS
::selection [code lang=”css” highlight=”2,3,8,9″] ::-moz-selection { color:#fff; background: #00b6f2; text-shadow: none; } ::selection { color:#fff; background: #00b6f2; text-shadow: none; } [/code] Hex color value #00b6f2 is a nice shade of cyan Font color is white Image replacement [code lang=”css” highlight=”6″] /* * Image replacement */ .ir { display:block; background-color: transparent; border: 0; overflow: hidden; /*…
HTML5 Boilerplate & WordPress: Day 1 – HTML
I’ve mashed up the HTML code of HTML5 Boilerplate and WordPress to come up with something useful for my projects at International Red. Take a look if this will suit yours. Inside the <head> [code lang=”html” highlight=”6,10,11,14-20″] <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1"> <title></title> <meta name="description" content=""> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/normalize.css"> <link…