Today, I signed up to be a consultant to manage a government website for several months. At first, the plan was to redesign it piece by piece and integrate a CMS (like WordPress) but news recently came that soon, all government websites will follow a set of guidelines and will be built on Joomla!
Igor the web designer
Mixed feelings of doubt and curiosity immediately entered my mind. From being a webmaster to a webslave. A master might mean someone in control and a slave – someone being ordered around. In reality of this situation, only the level of control varies – being ordered around stays the same whether webmaster or webslave. Nevertheless, a wise designer gets around in packaging his solutions in a way his/her clients would understand and agree on.
The consultancy might not utilize most of my plans to power up the website in terms of better content structure and visual design. Well, as they say:
It sucks but it’s money.
This is the short-term, though. My toe is already in the door, so might as well shove the whole foot in. I am still hopeful that I would be a part of this effort to bring the government in a state-of-the-art information superhighway 21st century time being.
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